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Our alumnae here at the Gamma Xi chapter of Alpha Phi are incredibly involved in everything we do. They can be seen attending monthly meetings, serving on House Corporation Board, participating in recruitment events, serving as advisors for various positions and more. They host several events each year, such as Ivy Circle meetings, Christmas Ornament exchange, and Gingerbread house making. The alumnae have been a great help in renovating our house every year to keep it updated. They are very involved with current members also. Each new member receives an 'auntie' once they join Alpha Phi. An 'auntie' helps to guide and mentor the member throughout their college career. Our chapter is grateful for the ongoing support of our alumnae! Our alumnae chapter received two awards from the 2016 Alpha Phi Convention, which were the Most Outstanding Alumnae Chapter Southern Quadrant 2014- 2016 and the Most Outstanding Alumnae Chapter.  During the 2018 Conference, they also received the Outstanding Alumnae Chapter award again.

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