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Here at Alpha Phi, our calendar is constantly full of exciting social events. Whether we are getting ready for formal together, going to mixers with other chapters, attending other chapter's philanthropy events or just going to the pool, we always have fun with each other. We pride ourselves on being able to balance our scholastic endeavors and community service events, while having a full social calendar. 

We love being involved in our community and on campus. Some events that we participate in take place on campus, such as Shocktoberfest, Hippodrome and Intramurals. Each year we participate in many community service events. You can find us volunteering with the American Heart Association, Ronald McDonald House, Adopt a Highway, Kansas Food Bank and more!

We have sisters who serve on different councils and organizations on campus, such as the spirit squad, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Ambassador's Society, Order of Omega, Mortar Board and more. No matter what, we can always rest assure that we will have sisters by our side to laugh and create lasting memories with.

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